Jake A. Price

I am an adjunct professor teaching visual narratives at the J-School with Nina Berman. Rising sea levels and their impact on communities has been a major focus of mine for over 2 decades. I have worked extensively in Fukushima following the 2011 tsunami and resulting nuclear meltdown, documented the devastation in Houston during Hurricane Harvey and, closer to home, focused on towns in Staten Island post Sandy amongst many other places on our planet.  When there is a moment I'd very much like to come by to get a greater understanding of what you have planned for The Year of Water and how my work might be able to fit in with your program. I am particularly interested in your multidisciplinary approach to addressing climate and water issues. I frequently work with scientists and artists to address climate change and have widely exhibited that work.

Most recently I projected just down the block at St. John the Divine that wove together dance, poetry and traditional Japanese flute with my moving images and ambient recordings from the Exclusion Zone. My Fukushima work was an official selection at the 52nd New York Film Festival where my team and I created an immersive exhibition.